TheAtlanticより あの人の脳は大丈夫?のお話


今回はフェミニズムや家父長性にも関連していそうという点で、最近1読んでいて面白かった記事を紹介させていただきます。The Atlanticより、Jerry Useemさん著のこちらの記事↓

In this post, I would like to share the article I found the most interesting recently.  It's just my impression, but its theme is closely related to patriarchy or toxic masculinity. It is written by Jerry Useem and published by The Atlantic.

紹介: About the Article


Let’s talk about someone powerful, like politicians, corporate leaders, or even your boss. 


Have you ever witnessed their  aggressive, insensitive or even toxic behaviour and wondered, “why are they behaving like this?” “Were they always like this?”  


This article details the possible neurological and psychological reasons behind these questions, along with various examples and research. According to this piece, to hold power, particularly for a long time, can affect our brains’ neural process called mirroring, which is a key to our capacity to recognise what others feel or think, 

 and as a result, it deteriorates our ability to identify them. That leads to insensitive behaviours. 


Well then, as you might be worried, is it irreversible? Can we do anything to stop power’s propensity to affect our brains? The author of this article also shares several strategies backed with interesting examples and studies. 



I hope you didn’t have to, but some of you might find them helpful. 

Get intrigued? Well then click the link and read the article! 

単語のお話: List of Keywords to Read the Article

flay 他動 を酷評する をこきおろす

chasten 他動 をこらしめる 反省させる

defiant adj 挑戦的な 反抗的な 喧嘩腰の

barb n.c. トゲのある言葉 嫌味

cornerstone n.c. (比喩的に)基礎(となること/人) 土台

ingratinate 他動 に気に入られるようにする に取り入る

prime 他動 に(for...の)用意をさせる に前もって知らせる 教え込む

by dint of 句...という努力・尽力によって

obtuse adj (頭が)鈍い 鈍感な

cajole 自動 甘言でだます おだててだます

   他動 を甘言でだます おだてて...させる 

hubris n.u. 傲慢 不遜

shorthand n.u. (for...の)簡潔な言い方

insofar as 句 ...する限りでは

toe-hold n.u. (事業・特定の場所などでの)成功への(わずかな)足がかり

parliamentarian n.c. 議会法学者 (イギリス)討論のうまい議員/(イギリス)国会議員

contraint n.u. (感情などの)抑制 (言行の)気兼ね ぎこちなさ

Royal Society of Medicine 固n. 英国王立医学協会

tether to 他動 ...を(to...に) 縛る

emulate 他動 を見習う (劣らないように)まねる

salutary adj 有益な 健康回復によい 



That's all for today's post. See you in the next article.