NewYorkTimesより 臨床試験とマイノリティが直面する多くの困難


今回紹介する記事はアメリカのThe New York TimesよりDenis Gradyさん著のこちらの記事です。

Good evening, readers! 

Today, I would like to share a piece written by Devis Grandy and published by The New York Times

紹介: About the Article 


The article is titled “In Cancer Trials, Minorities Face Extra Hurdles” and is about, as the headline suggests, multiple obstacles minorities face to enrol in lifesaving clinical trials in the United States. 

The story also details the intertwined causes of this problem, along with a personal account of one African American patient and their winding path to participate in a clinical trial. 


In America, a significant amount of money is invested in immunotherapy, one of the cancer research and treatment, resulting in quite a few promising results. 


According to the article, however, the overwhelming majority of people who benefit from the evolutionary treatments are white, while minorities, such as African or Asian Americans, account for a disproportionately small percentage of the patients, given the U.S. population. 

Other than this disproportionate and possibly unintentionally discriminative situation, the hurdles can affect the efficacy of a treatment. 


There is certainly a legal framework regulating clinical trials, which stipulates that all medical research undertaken or funded by the government encompass enough minorities and women. But, sadly and frustratingly, there is a loophole: when a trial is funded not by the American government but by a private company, researchers do not necessarily have to follow this rule.

By the way, amongst all the clinical trials conducted in the U.S. in 2015, what is the percentage of the National Health Institute (NHS), a governmental institution, funded trials? You can check the number in the article. 


The story, however, also brings up medical professionals’ thought-out efforts to tackle this problem and other addressing measures in the latter half of the article. 


Got Intrigued? Then click the link and read it:) 


単語のお話: List of Keywords to Read the Article

Hodgykin's disease (名 〔医〕ホジキン病)

aflying trapese (名 空中ブランコ)

starkly (副 はっきりと 明確に 厳しく ありのままに)

inhibitor (名 抑制するもの/人 〔化〕反応抑制剤/物質 反応阻害物質 〔生化〕抑制遺伝子) 

census (名 (主に人口の)一斉調査 国政/市民調査)

National Institute of Health (名 国立衛生研究所

grat to/for/foward (動 を(....に)適合させる)

poorly (副 不十分に 不完全に 悪く)

ineligible (形 (...に選ばれる/...する)資格の無い 不適当な(for/to do))

daunting (形 人の気力をくじく 非常に困難な きつい(demanding))

colon (名 〔医〕結腸)

uninsured (形/名 無保険の(人) 保険に入っていない(人)) 

sociopolitically (副 社会政治的に)

safeguard (名 予防手段/措置 保護手段)

makeup (名 組み立て 構成(員) 構造 :(人の)性質)

tie up loose ends (句 (やりかけの仕事など)を仕上げる 終える 完成させる 片付ける)

keep sb in the loop (句 (人)に絶えず最新情報を伝える)

scour for (動 (場所)を...を探して駆け巡る 探し回る)

relapse (動 (一時的な回復の後)病気を再発する ぶり返す/名 再発 ぶり返し)

responce rate  (名 (有効)解答率 反応速度/割合 奏功率)

hit it out of the park (予想以上の成果を挙げる 大勝利/大成功を収める)

keep at bay (句 をくいとめる を寄せ付けない)

fall into place (句 うまく収まる うまくいく おちつくべきところに落ち着く) 


That's all for this post. See you in the next article:)